Notice of Design Renewal for Unisize for KIDS

Makip Inc. (Shinjuku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shingo Tsukamoto, hereafter referred to as “Makip”) will renew the design of its size recommendation engine for children aged 3 to 15, Unisize for KIDS, starting from March 25. This design renewal aims to make the unique “growth prediction function” of Unisize for KIDS, which allows users to check sizes based on the child’s growth one or two years into the future, even easier to use and to provide a clearer sense of fitting.

Unisize for KIDS Site URL:

※The growth prediction function estimates the child’s body shape one or two years later based on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s growth curve, considering the child’s current gender, age, height, and weight.

  • 1.PoiMajor redesign of the results screen
  •  ・Changed to 3D silhouettes and clothing graphics to make the fitting image feel more realistic.
  •  ・Arranged based on the importance of key items (fitting/comparison switch, growth prediction function, recommended size, size change) and auxiliary items (body type editing function, etc.).
  •  ・The “Return to Product Page” button is placed in the upper left corner, where the browser’s back button is generally located.
  • 2.Renewal & Function Improvement of the Survey Screen
  •  ・Layout items compactly
  •  ・By inputting gender and age, the average height and weight are automatically displayed, reducing the user’s input burden
  •  ・Changed so that users can select the recommended size they want to check at the survey stage For example, selecting “current” will display the recommended size for your child’s estimated body type at present, while clicking “1 year later” will show the recommended size for your child’s estimated body type one year from now.
  • ◾️ About Unisize
    Unisize ( is a size recommendation engine that suggests sizes that better fit your body when buying clothes or bags online. It has a large amount of size data for clothes and goods from domestic and international clothing brands and recommends the optimal size based on the inputted body information and characteristics of the user using its proprietary algorithm (patented).
    It is equipped with functions to ultimately enhance the convenience for EC users and the marketing activities of businesses, such as fitting, analytics, and data linkage.

    <Company Overview of Makip Corporation>
    ◾️ Company Name: Makip Co. Ltd
    ◾️ Representative: Shingo Tsukamoto
    ◾️ Location: NITTO Building 1F, 126 Yaraicho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
    ◾️ URL:
    ◾️ Unisize:
    ◾️ Phone number: +81 3-6265-3465
    ◾️ Contact:

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